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Main Features

Automatically adds new Clio matter account numbers to copiers
Imports billings information directly to Clio

Automatically syncs information from Clio to print tracking software
Easily bill clients for prints, copies and scans
Flat monthly cost, no per-transaction fees
Updates matter information in print tracking software
Saving costs with automation
Auto Recovery Cost (ARC) has developed a fully automated process to import common printer expenses directly into Clio.
ARC is able to take the information from cost recovery software like PaperCut MF, PaperCut Hive, PCS Director, Print Audit, Equitrac, P-Counter, and others and import this information directly into Clio without human entry.

$249 USD/ Month
Home: Contact

What print tracking software do you work with?Papercut, Equifax, Copitrak, Print Audit are the most common systems we work with, but we've also done one-off and custom integrations too - so just ask if yours is not in the list.
Do I require a new server?The ARC software is designed to run alongside your print management software, so no additional server is needed.
Are there any other fees?No additional fees are required for running the ARC software. Our flat fee is charged monthly to your credit card and you can cancel at any time.
Does this work in the US or Canada?We have current clients in the US and in Canada. We work with both versions of Clio - hosted in the US or Canada. This gets configured during the installation of the software. The cost for the software is charged in USD.
What if I don't have a tracking software?If you don't already have print tracking software, let us know. We have partners and relationships around North America to help get this in place for you. Please contact us so we can help.
Can you work with my legal software provider?We currently only work with Clio. However, please contact us if you are using something else. We'd be happy to review your specific needs to determine if we can help.
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